Welcome to the JRC Windfarm Coordination System
In order to streamline coordination requests, we now use an automated ticketing system.A valid email address is required to submit a ticket as the access link will be sent to that address.
Every coordination request you make is assigned a unique ticket number, associated with the e-mail address you use to log in, which you can use to track the progress and responses on-line.
If you have more than one wind energy project we would encourage you to ask us for an account. You can do this from any live Coordination Ticket, or ask the Team to do it for you.
Generally, we aim to get to a ticket within 30 days, but this can be longer during busy periods.
There should be no need to keep checking here, though, as the system will send you an e-mail whenever work is done on your application.
If you have any changes to make to a ticket, please follow the link the system gave you for that ticket and make/request changes there.