Frequently Asked Question

JRC have Objected. What now?
Last Updated 10 years ago

It's not the end of the world. In some cases developments can be sited within the coordination zone without the need for detailed and costly analysis. In the first instance JRC require that all the turbine information used by JRC to make the original coordination is checked and verified by the developer.

In order for us to accurately screen each development we require the following:

• Accurate grid references - six-figure easting and six-figure northing - for each turbine
• Turbine hub height and rotor radius (if not supplied we will use 90m hub and 50m rotor radius, which may be excessive in some cases)
• Any micrositing allowance.
• Ordnance Survey map or Google Earth image with scale and grid references including site boundary.

Please log into your account on our automated coordination system to send us this information. Follow the web link given with each e-mail the ticketing system sends you.

The services we manage are part of the UK Critical National Infrastructure. We are legally responsible for these services and cannot accept the findings of third-party coordination or protection assessments. We are open about the protection criteria we use for Energy Industry radio systems and detailed information about them and how we use them can be found at

Recognising that development of wind energy is a UK Government priority and that many JRC member companies themselves are wind energy developers, provided the above information has been supplied and the objection remains, JRC is willing to cooperate in investigating whether there are ways in which this objection may be mitigated. Essentially, this is a three stage process:


Initially, we run potential wind energy developments through a simple process that identifies whether the turbine(s) impinge on one of the various exclusion or coordination zones defined for our services in agreement with Ofcom. That's the process you have just gone through if you have come to this page as a result of receiving an Objection Notice.

If a turbine is within one of these zones an Objection is automatically produced.
However, there are some reasons why an objection may be overturned with some extra work on the application rather than a full detailed coordination, this however involves engineering resources which we are now unable to do automatically on every application that comes through due to the vast number of applications and queries we are now receiving. What we can do is ask the developer to confirm that the details sent in to us are accurate, for example we cannot remove an objection on a center grid reference and a development radius we would require accurate grid references to the nearest meter and accurate turbine dimensions.  We will then perform some simple analysis to determine if the objection can be lifted or if a detailed coordination is required.  In this case complex assessments are not made (you would need to apply for an additional detailed coordination) and no formal report issued. You either get a clearance notice or advised to seek detailed coordination.

If you have multiple sites then we can also perform a fee-paid engineering assessment of the objection in slightly greater detail and the result will be either:

1. The objection is maintained where in the rare instance the position is completely unacceptable and no movement or mitigation will help,
2. Advice on movement to clear with or without a detailed coordination including a map within your land boundary, or
3. A clearance with provisos, e.g. how much micrositing is allowed.

In this case a short report is issued for all sites in one go with a defined delivery date of 4-5 weeks instead of being placed in the queue which could result in an extended wait of the usual 30 working days as any revised details sent in could also wait up to 30 working days on top of that. 


A detailed coordination will be undertaken for a fee that will be determined once the location and dimension of the wind turbines are confirmed. This fee is payable whether or not the detailed coordination is successful, however when processing the coordination ifwe find it is no longer required e.g the utility has removed/upgraded the link, the developer has adjusted the layout/turbine since placement of the order etc a nominal fee will be charged for work carried out but not to the full amount of the proposal.
The detailed coordination provides an assessment of whether there is likely to be any significant interference to the Energy Industry radio service. If the calculations reveal a low probability of interference, based on the design of the project at that stage, the objection may be withdrawn, although JRC must be advised of any subsequent changes to the design as a reassessment must then take place.


If the proposal fails the Detailed Coordination, or it is obvious from the outset that it will fail, JRC may be willing to undertake a Full Impact Assessment to investigate mitigation options. JRC now has substantial experience of undertaking communication system impact assessments and mitigation work for wind farm developers. We will provide a quotation for any work prior to commencement and would expect to undertake the assignment in stages to enable the options to be reviewed in order to pro-actively manage the cost. Whilst JRC cannot guarantee to be able to identify cost effective alternatives in every case, our experience to date is that solutions can often be found that are acceptable to all parties.

The JRC objection shall be withdrawn after simple analysis shows no issues, when a satisfactory coordination has been achieved and the zone of protection is implemented, or when an appropriate mitigation agreement is in place.

If you wish to further explore these options the windfarm team are the first point of contact, either reply to the ticket created for the specific development in question or call +44 2077065199.

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